Your Testimonial Submission Results

Which coin pages sent the most testimonials? Where in the world did you submit from? Let's look at the results...

Token Testimonial Service Results

Last month we asked you to submit testimonials for using our token services, with an opportunity to win free advertising...

In less than a few days we had over 100 responses!

21 users met the requirements by telling us what service they used, their coin details, and their email address.

Thank you to everyone who submitted, I'm reaching out to you soon.

I thought it would be fun to break down the responses, and see just who got in touch... I was shocked at some of the results.

Who wanted free crypto marketing?

Submission Results for Free Marketing Opportunity
Free Coin Marketing Responses Chart

Testimonial Submission Responses:

  • "Nah, I don't want marketing": (52.29%)
  • "Free advertising? Sure!": (47.71%)

A staggering 52% of submissions didn't want any form of free marketing or advertising for their coin / token. Did you want free advice instead? I'll revisit this one.

Where did you submit from?

User Locations for Testimonials Chart
Testimonial Submissions and Locations Chart

Country Distribution:

  • Turkey: (11.93%)
  • France and India: (8.26%)
  • United States: (7.34%)
  • Other countries like the Netherlands and Poland had smaller percentages.

Turkey just edging in front here, but this certainly matches our most recent demographic. Where are my fellow UK residents? I might need to go knocking on some doors.

Which pages did you send a testimonial from?

yPredict, Skai Token and Nomodex Coin Pages Chart
Top Coin Pages for Submissions Chart

Top 3 Coin Pages:

  • Nomoex Token: (3.67%)
  • SkaiToken: (2.75%)
  • yPredict: (1.83%)

yPredict and Skai were in our Top Most Visited Coins list, so an easy prediction here (see what I did?).

Submissions from our Top Token Service Pages Chart
Token Vesting and Token Creator Tool Chart

Top 3 Service Pages:

  • /token-vesting: (27.52%)
  • /mint: (17.43%)
  • /vesting: (8.26%)

We've seen a huge boost to vesting's this quarter, especially on Ethereum, Base, and BSC, so this makes sense. Token Creation is usually in our top 3 services too. Nice to see both getting some love.

Who used mobile vs desktop?

Responses by Device
Mobile and Desktop Submissions Chart

Device Distribution:

  • Phone: (51.38%)
  • Desktop: (48.62%)

Browser Distribution:

  • Chrome 128.0.0: (23.85%)
  • Chrome Mobile WebView 127.0.6533: (12.84%)
  • Chrome Mobile 128.0.0: (11.01%)
  • Other browsers like Mobile Safari and Opera had smaller percentages.

Very little iPhone usage, interesting.
Good to see the old Chrome gang - hello fellow Pixel users!

Can you still enter for an opportunity to get free crypto advertising?

We are always looking for new opportunities to advertise your coins, tokens, and projects. Testimonials are a great way to share the love between and your web3 projects, so if you want to submit a testimonial, use our contact page and we may reach out for a collaboration.