Free Landing Pages for Your Coin

Use Locks, Vesting, Staking, Token Generation, or Multisender, and you'll get a free public coin page...

Token details landing page

You're proud of your web3 project, and want as much marketing, brand awareness, and advertising as possible.

And we get asked the question: How can I get a landing page for my crypto token?

At Team Finance, we provide an added layer of visibility for coins by offering a public landing page for any token that uses one of our services, such as Token Vesting, Liquidity Locks, Mint, Staking Pools, or Multisender.

These coin pages automatically display details about your token, creating trust and transparency between you and your community while boosting the marketing for your coin.

Let's use an example coin page, from HELLO on BNB to discuss the benefits, and how to get a free landing page for crypto coins...

HELLO - BNB - 0x0F1cBEd8EFa0E012AdbCCB1638D0aB0147D5Ac00 - Token Liquidity & Lockup Info
Upcoming Liquidity Locks, Vesting, and Staking events for HELLO on BNB. Pricing Stats, Token Security, and connect your wallet for TeamSwap.

Coin Details Section
Token Address, Blockchain, Marketing Tools, and Links

The first thing visitors will see is the name and symbol of your token, along with its contract address and blockchain network (such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, or others).

This information is essential for users who need to quickly identify your project and verify its authenticity. We know that it's possible to replicate names, but not addresses!

A brief project description could also appear here that communicates your token’s purpose and vision. For example, here’s how HELLO Labs introduces itself:

"HELLO Labs is the future of crypto and entertainment, a Web3 ecosystem built around producing, incubating, and distributing exclusive TV shows, games, NFTs, and live events."

This section sets the stage for visitors, explaining why your token exists and its role in the broader blockchain ecosystem. Literally the marketing "elevator pitch" for your whole web3 project. Think carefully about this.

You will also notice handy icons displaying which services your project used, a favorite button to quickly see your preferred coins on our View All Coins page, and a way to promote your token with our "Increase Your Reach" button - giving you pre-made promotional graphics.

Finally, if you have social links for X, Reddit, or your own homepage, these will be displayed here.

The next three panels all offer ways to quickly take action with your coin page, people can View Transactions or connect their wallet and quickly interact with Token Locks, Vestings and Staking.

2. Token Locks and Unlock Schedule

Options for Token Locks and Status
Token Locks History, Periods, and Status

When you lock your project’s tokens using our Token Lock service, you will have two sections on the page: Upcoming Events, and the Token Locks table:

  • Unlock Date: A countdown timer shows exactly when locked tokens will become available.
  • Lockup Period: Displaying the start and end dates.
  • Lock Status: Locked, Unlocked, Withdrawn - Simple.
  • Amount Locked: The total number of tokens that have been locked.
  • Lock Ratio: The percentage of the total supply that has been locked.

For example, on the HELLO token page, users can see that 60,000,000 HELLO tokens are locked, representing 6% of the total supply.
This level of transparency ensures investors know that the project’s team is serious about security and long-term planning. Avoiding rug pulls.

Did you notice you can even create your own token locks from this section?

3. Vesting Schedules

Token Vesting Tools for Coins
View current, and create new token vesting schedules

If your project uses Token Vesting to distribute tokens over time to team members or investors, this section will clearly show the details of each vesting schedule:

  • Vested Amount: Total tokens set aside for vesting.
  • Cliff Periods: The initial period before tokens start unlocking.
  • Unlock Schedule: Dates and percentages for each unlock event.

This section ensures that stakeholders understand when they can expect their tokens and gives potential investors confidence that tokens won’t flood the market all at once, preserving long-term stability.

4. Staking Pools and Rewards Info

How to stake, unstake and set up rewards
Staking Pools, Rewards, Periods, and Unstake Tokens

For projects that set up Staking Pools, the coin details page will include:

  • Total Rewards: The total amount of staking rewards distributed to the community participants.
  • Total Staked: The total number of tokens currently staked by users.
  • Your Stake: Displays the amount of tokens you have staked (once connected with a wallet).
  • Your Rewards: Displays the rewards accumulated by your staked tokens.
  • Staking Period: A breakdown of the duration that tokens are staked for.
  • APY (Annual Percentage Yield): The current yield for stakers, which helps users gauge the returns they can expect by participating in the staking pool.

This tab from the table is designed to provide stakers with clear, real-time insights into their positions and rewards, while also offering transparency about the overall staking performance. Something to actively market to your community.

5. Real-Time Pricing Metrics

Token related pricing metrics
CoinGecko Ranking, Price, Supply, Market Cap and more.

To help keep track of your token’s performance, your page displays real-time on-chain data pulled from sources like CoinGecko:

  • Current Token Price: Always up to date, so users can quickly see how your token is performing in the market.
  • Market Cap: A measure of the token’s overall value, based on circulating supply and price.
  • Total Supply: The total number of tokens in existence.
  • Circulating Supply: The number of tokens available for trading.
  • 24-hour Trading Volume: A snapshot of how much your token is being traded, offering insight into liquidity.

6. TeamSwap and TeamBridge Widgets

TeamSwap and TeamBridge for coins
SWAP and Bridge tokens easily

On top of displaying all token information, your coin page also features a TeamSwap section, where users can directly trade their tokens.

TeamBridge allows tokens to be moved across different blockchains. This allows for greater flexibility to those who need to bridge their assets across different networks, increasing the utility of your token.

7. "Total Locked" Metrics

Liquidity, Locks, and Vesting Percentages.
Percentage related metrics

If you’ve locked liquidity for your token and/or used vestings, this small panel provides data on percentages of Total Liquidity Locked, Total Tokens Locked, and percentage calculations for vesting.

Easy Marketing For Your Coin

When you use our Token Management Services, you get more than just security - you get a fully transparent token landing page that displays all of this important blockchain data in one place.

From Token Locks and Vesting to Staking Pools and Liquidity Locks, using our services ensures that your token is both secure and publicly verifiable, greatly improving your project's reputation, marketing, and advertising.